Senin, 24 Mei 2010

comparison and contrast assay

Another useful organizational pattern is comparison and contrast. At the outset a clarification of these terms is important. If your teacher says to write a contrast paragraph or theme, he is obviously asking you to discuss the dissimilarities of two (usually, though there may be more) people, things, objects, etc. But, if your teacher asks for a comparison of two (usually, though there may be more) people or things, he does not necessarily mean to find only similarities. Comparison and contrast are broad terms which indicate you are to judge two people or objects or institutions or whatever against a set of principles.
One of the best ways to learn how to use comparison and contrast is to learn what not to do. First, make sure your components are comparable. Comparing Jimmy Carter and Charles Manson would be as foolish as comparing baseballs and house cats. Comparing the former President of the United States, former Governor of Georgia, Annapolis graduate, and dedicated Christian to a convicted murderer would be futile except in a sociology class. Comparing Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon or Charles Manson and Richard Speck would be more productive. Even a contrast of Carter and Manson would be difficult, since outside of being male humans, they have nothing in common. In both comparison and contrast, there must be some relation, some common ground between the two elements.
The Comparison/Contrast Paragraph
There are two methods for organizing a comparison/contrast paragraph: The consecutive method and the simultaneous method.
7. The Consecutive Method:
In the consecutive method, you present your information on one of the subjects you are comparing and then, introduced by an appropriate transition word or phrase (such as similarly or on the other hand), you present the corresponding information for the second component of the comparison. For example, if you were comparing SUV's and compact cars using as criteria gas mileage, handling, and passenger space, your consecutively developed comparison paragraph might look something like this:
When the average American family goes to buy a new car, it is faced with a difficult decision because of the variety of automobiles. After weeding out the impossibilities, most families have to choose between the SUV and the compact, both of which have good and bad features. The compact gets excellent gas mileage, from thirty to forty miles per gallon. With the price of gasoline climbing toward $2.00 per gallon, this is no small consideration. Handling is another positive factor of a compact car. Its size almost guarantees excellent maneuverability and the ability to squeeze into those half spaces in the parking lot. Space for people and cargo, however, is limited. For the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation, these cars are not ideal. The SUV, on the other hand, would be excellent for these types of families and activities. It has plenty of room to seat six adults with space left over for luggage, the family dog, or more people. Obviously this large size means handling is somewhat awkward. Also, owing to its largeness, the SUV does not get the gas mileage a compact does, and the owner can count on more frequent and more expensive stops at the pump. The family buying a new car should certainly consider these two and carefully weigh the characteristics of each.
Part one of this comparison—the compact car—is more fully developed than part two—the SUV. There are six sentences about the compact and only four about the station wagon. In the consecutive method, giving a fuller development of the first member is necessary to set forth the grounds of the comparison clearly. The two sentences about the compact's gas mileage give definite mileage figures and point out the irrevocable rise in petroleum prices. The discussion of the SUV's mileage can be much shorter, implying that it gets considerably fewer miles per gallon in a time when gas is costly. This method for developing a comparison/contrast is clear and effective as well as time saving.
The points covered in each part of consecutive organization may follow the same order (A 1, 2, 3 + B 1, 2, 3 ) or they may follow an inverted order as in the model paragraph above (A 1, 2, 3 +B 3, 2, 1): compact (gas mileage, handling, passenger space); transition; station wagon (passenger space, handling, gas mileage).
2. The Simultaneous Method:
The other means of organizing a comparison, the simultaneous method, uses a point by point comparison and is, perhaps, more suited to a full length theme although an effective paragraph can be written in this manner. A paragraph comparing the same two types of automobiles using the simultaneous method of organization might look something like this:
When the average American family goes to buy a new car, it is faced with a difficult decision because of the variety of automobiles. After weeding out the impossibilities, most families have to choose between the SUV and the compact, both of which have good and bad features. The compact gets excellent gas mileage, from thirty to forty miles per gallon. With the price of gasoline climbing toward $2.00 per gallon, this is no small consideration. On the other hand, the SUV, because of its largeness, does not get such good mileage, and the owner can expect to make more frequent and more expensive stops at the pump. Handling is another positive feature of the compact. Its size almost guarantees excellent maneuverability and the ability to squeeze into those half spaces in the parking lot. Since at least one compact car would fit into an SUV, it is easy to see that handling this larger vehicle is going to be somewhat awkward. For the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation, a compact car is not ideal. The SUV, conversely, would be excellent for these types of families and activities. It has plenty of room to seat six adults with space left over for luggage, the family dogs and cats, or other people. The family buying a new car should certainly consider these two kinds of automobiles carefully and weigh the characteristics of each.
Notice that each point of comparison appears with each component being compared simultaneously: gas mileage, compact/SUV; handling, compact/SUV; passenger space, compact/SUV. A diagram of this kind of development looks like this: A/B 1 + A/B 2 + A/B 3.
A Hazard to Avoid: inadequate development
The writer needs to be sure that he has valid bases for comparison; however, detailed development is also very important. With these two detailed comparison paragraphs in mind, let's look at one, on the same topic, which would not be adequately developed
Families going to buy a new car face a tough decision. After the completely unsuitable cars have been weeded out, the choice will be between a compact car and an SUV. The compact is a nice car for a small family or as a second car. It gets good gas mileage and would be excellent to let the teenager take out on a date so that he wouldn't use up too much of his money on fuel. The SUV is quite large and would be a good car to take on a vacation because the entire family and all their gear could fit in easily. One of these two cars would be a good choice for any family.

This paragraph is not a comparison or contrast. In fact, it is not much of anything. There is no organizational plan—short of having the discussion of compacts come before the discussion of SUVs. There are no bases for a comparison (such as gas mileage, space, etc.). This paragraph is a collection of bits of information on two types of cars, but the bits have no relation to one another.
The Comparison/Contrast Essay
Writing a comparison essay, like writing a classification essay, involves a little more development than does the paragraph. To turn the consecutive sample comparison paragraph into an essay requires expanding the introductory sentences into a paragraph, expanding the discussion of compacts to a paragraph, expanding the discussion of SUV's to a paragraph, and expanding the concluding sentence to a paragraph. In addition to these expansions, you also have to supply transition from one topic of your comparison to the other. The result might look like this:

(A + B)
When the average American family goes to buy a new car, it is faced with a difficult decision because of the variety of automobiles. Not all, however, are suitable for the "average" family, with its middle income and 2.3 children. The flashy sports car and the luxury limousine are not practical in this instance. After weeding out the impossibilities, most families have to choose between the SUV and the compact, both of which have good and bad features.
The compact gets excellent gas mileage, (from thirty to forty miles per gallon), and with the price of gasoline climbing rapidly toward $2.00 per gallon, this is no small consideration. For this reason the compact would make an excellent second car to use on those around town errands without spending a fortune on gas. It would also make a good car for a teenager to take out on a date because he could spend his money on his girl rather than on gas. Handling is another positive factor. The compact's size almost guarantees maneuverability in traffic and the ability to squeeze into those half spaces in the parking lot. Any city driver can appreciate easy handling in rush hour traffic. Lack of interior space is somewhat of a drawback. For the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation this car is not ideal. Four adults can fit in a compact—if they are not too tall. As for luggage, well, the owner had better plan to travel light.
The SUV, on the other hand, would be excellent for the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation. It has plenty of room to seat six adults with room left over for luggage, the family dogs, or sundries. For the family that needs plenty of space in a car, the SUV would be ideal. Obviously this large size means handling is somewhat awkward. For scooting around town or finding a parking space at the ball game, this large car is a liability. Also owing to its size, the SUV does not get the gas mileage a compact does and the owner can expect to make more frequent trips to the pump. This factor would be a drawback in using this car as a second car for running around town in, and the poor teenager who has to take this car on a date had better find a girl satisfied with watching cars go through the Robowash and a burger afterwards.
(A + B)
Choosing between these two cars is a matter of what the family members want. If they want good mileage and handling but don't need much interior space, then the compact is ideal. If the family is more concerned with the amount of room inside the car than with the other two factors, then the SUV is the car for them.
A comparison contrast essay can also be organized on a point by point basis, the simultaneous method. After the introductory paragraph, you would have a paragraph discussing the gas mileage of both cars (A/B{), then a paragraph discussing the handling of both cars (A/B2), and finally a paragraph discussing the passenger space in both cars (A/B3). After that, of course, comes the concluding paragraph.
Sometimes, in organizing a comparison you may want to alter your theme structure by saving your most striking comparison or contrast until last so that your points are arranged in ascending order of importance or climatic order. In the sample theme on cars, the climactic order would be interior space, then handling, then mileage, as cost of operation is probably the main factor to the average family. This arrangement allows you to conclude your theme in the last body paragraph—with appropriate concluding comments—and forego a concluding paragraph altogether.
Process analysis is a rhetorical pattern used to explain the chronological steps involved in how to do something or how something was done, and is probably an organizational pattern that you will use most frequently in your career writing situations, especially in technical occupations. Also, mastery of this rhetorical pattern is useful in filling out various forms and reports.
In writing a process analysis for an English course where you have some choice as to your topic, there is one theorem to remember: The value of the grade is frequently dependent on the quality of the topic. This means that choosing your topic might be like choosing the dive you want to execute in an Olympic-style diving competition. Judges award points on how well the dives are performed, but each dive has a degree of difficulty. Therefore, a simple dive perfectly executed may receive fewer points than a difficult dive that is just less than perfect. The same principle applies to writing a process analysis. A simple topic perfunctorily treated equals mediocrity.
There are two types of process analysis: the directional and the informational. The first tells how to do something, and the second tells how something came or comes about. The informational process is generally more sophisticated and requires more thought to execute. Let's look at three topics that demonstrate the preceding comments. These are arranged in ascending order of difficulty: "How to Mend an 8-Track Tape," "How to Budget a Paycheck," and "How Religious Cults Evolve." The first two are directional; the third is informational. All three require some knowledge or expertise: The first requires some skill and knowledge and would be useful if someone in the reading audience had a number of frazzled tapes; the second is certainly useful to anyone short of Nelson Rockefeller; the third, however, demands the writer have some definite facts at his command. (Obviously, if you are the writer and know nothing about budgeting, have no notion what a religious cult is, but are somewhat of an authority on 8-track tape repair, your choice is already made.) In any case you want to impress your reader not only with your ability to put words, phrases, and sentences together without error but also with your store of knowledge on the subject you have chosen.
The Process Paragraph
7. The Directional Process:
To write a directional process analysis paragraph, all you have to do is isolate the chronological steps. This statement is somewhat misleading in that the steps may not always be easily identifiable, and in this kind of process theme, sometimes you must arbitrarily impose a framework around the steps. For example, in a directional process theme on how to change a tire, you would not want to allot a paragraph to each step because your theme would be a series of one or two sentence paragraphs. To avoid this rhetorical disaster, you must impose an artificial framework around your process. You might devote a paragraph to all the steps you take before jacking up the car, a paragraph to the steps performed while the car is jacked up, and a paragraph to the steps followed after letting the car down. Superimposing this order on your process takes only a little extra time before you begin writing and is very worthwhile.
Let's look at an example of a directional process paragraph. A diagram of this process would look like this: Process = Step{ + Step2 + Step^. . . .

Repairing an 8-track tape does not require a great deal of ability and is a necessary skill for anyone who owns these tapes. If a tape breaks, it can easily be spliced by overlapping the two ends produced by the break. When they are overlapped, the tape sides should match, glossy side with glossy side. Next, one should make a diagonal cut across the overlapped ends. And last, the two diagonally cut edges are placed carefully together and taped with splicing tape. Anyone who owns an 8-track tape should master this process unless he has enough money to buy a new tape every time one breaks.
2. The Informational Process:
This type of process analysis paragraph will also require you to isolate some chronological steps. Sometimes, though, isolating these is quite difficult because you are looking at the result of the process and must exercise logic to work back through steps to get to square one. Logical thinking in arranging the steps of a directional process is necessary and readily apparent also—you cannot tape the edges of an 8-track tape back together until you have snipped them apart—but in an informational process, logic is even more important since there may be a good deal of subtlety involved in this type of analysis. The topic "How Religious Cults are Formed" may seem an unwieldy one, but with some reflection you can arrive at a plausible series of activities leading up to a cult. Let's look at a sample paragraph on this topic. Again, the diagram would look like this: Process = Step] + Step2 + Step}. . . .
Getting a massive religious cult following involves more than announcing the formation of a cult and letting the sheep flock to the door. The first step the proposed leader must take in getting his cult together is to identify his audience. Since people's needs and ideals are so varied, he must avoid a broad appeal, which is apt to go unnoticed, and concentrate on a certain segment of the population, that is, specialize his appeal. Next, he must strip the faithful of their contacts with the rest of the world. This step involves their turning money and belongings over to the cult or the cult leader himself and, frequently, renouncing friends and family outside the cult. Last, most important and most difficult, the leader must cut his followers off from outside information sources so that he can control what they know and, therefore, how they think. Anyone who can accomplish this process will be a full-fledged cult leader.
Hazards to Avoid
The principal mistakes in this pattern of organization are getting steps out of place—carts before horses—and omitting steps necessary for your reader's clear understanding. To avoid both, jot down the steps before you begin writing to be sure each is dependent on the preceding one. This plan will also help you to avoid the second mistake because you can make sure your steps are logically complete and your reader will not have to make any unwarranted "leaps" from point to point.
Another hazard to avoid is trying to make a process topic that is complete in one paragraph into a theme. The 8-track tape paragraph, for example, defies further development. The only information you could add to expand it to theme length would not challenge your reader's intellect nor increase his knowledge nor reward his aesthetic sense.
The Process Analysis Theme
Developing a process analysis theme from a process analysis paragraph involves the same procedure discussed earlier. We will develop the paragraph on cults since the 8-track tape paragraph is already a completed process. A theme on cults might look something like the following:

(Slept + Step2
Step, .
(Step, + Step: + Step,)
The incredible influence of cult leaders over their following came brutally to the public eye with the massive suicides in Guyana. To understand why those people killed themselves, one must understand how the cult leader won control of them. Getting a large cult following involves more than announcing the formation of a new cult and letting the sheep flock to the door. There are three definite steps in the process of getting and controlling a cult following.
First, the proposed leader must identify his audience. Since people's needs and ideals are so varied, he must avoid broad appeal, which is apt to go unnoticed, and concentrate on a special group, that is, tailor his package for a specific market. Usually the best market is the downtrodden, poor, or disaffected. These people have been given nothing by society—by the land of milk and honey—or what they have gotten from society has been unsatisfactory. The poor and minority groups have none of the "good things" of American life. Some middle and upper income people have all the material comforts society says are necessary for survival, but they feel emotionally or spiritually desolate. These groups are the audience the proposed leader must reach by promising them the material security or emotional comfort they are not getting from the outside world.
Next, the leader must strip his followers of their contacts with the rest of the world. This step involves the members' turning over their money and belongings to the cult or the leader himself, and frequently they must also renounce family and friends on the outside. Such allegiance is necessary to prevent any backsliding or slipping back into society. As well, putting all the money in one person's hands allows him to hand out the same share to everyone. In the cult society, except for the leader, there are no rich or poor; society's outcasts have as much as everyone else around them and the affluent are rewarded spiritually seeing their money benefit the cause.
Last, more important and most difficult, the leader must cut his followers off from outside information sources so that he can control what they know and, therefore, what they think. Any news medium or its representative is a threat because it can at any time torpedo the ideals of the cult and expose the leader as a charlatan. Reverend Jones had the best solution in going to a relatively remote uncivilized country because this escape is very difficult in America. Isolation from the media allows the leader to paint society in general as the "enemy." Since his members are already dissatisfied with the world, it is quite easy for them to accept the distortions their leader presents. This step is the culmination of the process and can succeed only if the previous two steps have been executed skillfully. Not every cult leader has the success of a Jim Jones, but if all would follow this process, their notoriety would be insured.
As with comparison/contrast, the process analysis theme can be concluded without a concluding paragraph per se. Since the steps of a process analysis are chronological, the last thing you discuss is a final touch or a conclusion in itself. Notice that the cult theme has no concluding paragraph, but it is rounded off in the final body paragraph, implying a conclusion and not leaving the reader hanging.

Another useful organizational pattern is comparison and contrast. Pola organisasi lain yang berguna adalah perbandingan dan kontras. At the outset a clarification of these terms is important. Pada awalnya sebuah klarifikasi dari istilah-istilah penting. If your teacher says to write a contrast paragraph or theme, he is obviously asking you to discuss the dissimilarities of two (usually, though there may be more) people, things, objects, etc. But, if your teacher asks for a comparison of two (usually, though there may be more) people or things, he does not necessarily mean to find only similarities. Comparison and contrast are broad terms which indicate you are to judge two people or objects or institutions or whatever against a set of principles. Jika guru Anda mengatakan untuk menulis sebuah paragraf kontras atau tema, ia adalah jelas yang meminta Anda untuk mendiskusikan dissimilarities dua (biasanya, meskipun ada mungkin lebih) orang, benda, obyek, dll Tapi, jika guru Anda meminta perbandingan dua (biasanya, meskipun ada mungkin lebih) orang atau hal-hal, ia tidak selalu berarti hanya untuk menemukan persamaan dan. Perbandingan kontras adalah istilah luas yang menunjukkan Anda untuk menilai dua orang atau benda atau lembaga atau apapun terhadap seperangkat prinsip.
One of the best ways to learn how to use comparison and contrast is to learn what not to do. Salah satu cara terbaik untuk belajar bagaimana menggunakan perbandingan dan kontras adalah belajar apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan. First, make sure your components are comparable. Pertama, pastikan komponen Anda sebanding. Comparing Jimmy Carter and Charles Manson would be as foolish as comparing baseballs and house cats. Membandingkan Jimmy Carter dan Charles Manson akan sebagai bodoh membandingkan bola dan kucing rumah. Comparing the former President of the United States, former Governor of Georgia, Annapolis graduate, and dedicated Christian to a convicted murderer would be futile except in a sociology class. Membandingkan mantan Presiden AS, mantan Gubernur Georgia, lulusan Annapolis, dan berdedikasi Kristen untuk seorang pembunuh akan sia-sia kecuali di kelas sosiologi. Comparing Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon or Charles Manson and Richard Speck would be more productive. Membandingkan Jimmy Carter dan Richard Nixon atau Charles Manson dan Richard Speck akan lebih produktif. Even a contrast of Carter and Manson would be difficult, since outside of being male humans, they have nothing in common. Bahkan kontras Carter dan Manson akan sulit, karena di luar menjadi manusia laki-laki, mereka tidak memiliki kesamaan. In both comparison and contrast, there must be some relation, some common ground between the two elements. Dalam kedua perbandingan dan kontras, harus ada hubungan, beberapa kesamaan antara dua elemen.
The Comparison/Contrast Paragraph Perbandingan / Kontras Ayat
There are two methods for organizing a comparison/contrast paragraph: The consecutive method and the simultaneous method. Ada dua metode untuk mengatur perbandingan / ayat kontras: Metode berturut-turut dan metode simultan.
7. 7. The Consecutive Method: Metode berturut-turut:
In the consecutive method, you present your information on one of the subjects you are comparing and then, introduced by an appropriate transition word or phrase (such as similarly or on the other hand), you present the corresponding information for the second component of the comparison. Dalam metode berturut-turut, Anda menyajikan informasi Anda pada salah satu mata pelajaran Anda membandingkan dan kemudian, yang diperkenalkan oleh sebuah kata atau frase transisi yang tepat (seperti yang sama atau sebaliknya), Anda menyajikan informasi yang sesuai untuk komponen kedua dari perbandingan. For example, if you were comparing SUV's Misalnya, jika Anda membandingkan SUV's and compact cars using as criteria gas mileage, handling, and passenger space, your consecutively developed comparison paragraph might look something like this: dan mobil kompak dengan menggunakan kriteria sebagai gas mileage, penanganan, dan ruang penumpang, ayat dikembangkan perbandingan berturut-turut Anda akan terlihat seperti ini:
When the average American family goes to buy a new car, it is faced with a difficult decision because of the variety of automobiles. Ketika rata-rata keluarga Amerika pergi untuk membeli mobil baru, dihadapkan dengan keputusan yang sulit karena berbagai mobil. After weeding out the impossibilities, most families have to choose between the SUV and the compact, both of which have good and bad features. Setelah menyiangi kemustahilan, kebanyakan keluarga harus memilih antara SUV dan kompak, keduanya memiliki fitur yang baik dan buruk. The compact gets excellent gas mileage, from thirty to forty miles per gallon. kompak ini mendapatkan jarak tempuh yang sangat baik, dari tiga puluh sampai empat puluh mil per galon. With the price of gasoline climbing toward $2.00 per gallon, this is no small consideration. Dengan harga bensin naik ke $ 2.00 per galon, ini bukan pertimbangan kecil. Handling is another positive factor of a compact car. Penanganan merupakan faktor positif dari sebuah mobil kompak. Its size almost guarantees excellent maneuverability and the ability to squeeze into those half spaces in the parking lot. Ukurannya hampir jaminan manuver yang sangat baik dan kemampuan untuk menyelip ke ruang yang setengah di tempat parkir. Space for people and cargo, however, is limited. Ruang bagi orang dan kargo, bagaimanapun, adalah terbatas. For the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation, these cars are not ideal. The SUV , on the other hand, would be excellent for these types of families and activities. Untuk keluarga besar, kolam renang mobil, atau liburan panjang, mobil-mobil ini tidak ideal. The SUV, di sisi lain, akan menjadi sangat baik untuk jenis keluarga dan kegiatan. It has plenty of room to seat six adults with space left over for luggage, the family dog, or more people. Ia memiliki banyak ruang untuk duduk enam orang dewasa dengan ruang sisa untuk bagasi, anjing keluarga, atau orang lebih. Obviously this large size means handling is somewhat awkward. Also, owing to its largeness, the SUV does not get the gas mileage a compact does, and the owner can count on more frequent and more expensive stops at the pump. Jelas ini berarti penanganan ukuran besar agak canggung,. Juga karena sifat murah hati nya, SUV tidak mendapatkan jarak tempuh yang tidak kompak, dan pemilik dapat mengandalkan lebih sering dan lebih mahal berhenti di pompa. The family buying a new car should certainly consider these two and carefully weigh the characteristics of each. Keluarga membeli mobil baru tentu harus mempertimbangkan kedua dan hati-hati mempertimbangkan karakteristik masing-masing.
Part one of this comparison—the compact car—is more fully developed than part two—the SUV . Bagian salah satu dari ini perbandingan-mobil kompak-lebih sepenuhnya berkembang daripada bagian dua-SUV. There are six sentences about the compact and only four about the station wagon. Ada enam kalimat tentang kompak dan hanya empat tentang station wagon. In the consecutive method, giving a fuller development of the first member is necessary to set forth the grounds Dalam metode berturut-turut, memberikan pengembangan yang lebih lengkap dari anggota pertama diperlukan untuk menetapkan dasar of the comparison clearly. perbandingan dengan jelas. The two sentences about the compact's gas mileage give definite mileage figures and point out the irrevocable rise in petroleum prices. Dua kalimat tentang itu gas mileage compact memberikan angka yang pasti dan jarak tempuh menunjukkan meningkatnya harga minyak bumi yang tidak dapat dibatalkan. The discussion of the SUV's mileage can be much shorter, implying that it gets considerably fewer miles per gallon in a time when gas is costly. Diskusi tentang SUV's jarak tempuh dapat lebih pendek, yang menyiratkan bahwa lebih sedikit mendapat cukup mil per galon dalam waktu ketika gas mahal. This method for developing a comparison/contrast is clear and effective as well as time saving. Ini metode untuk mengembangkan perbandingan / kontras jelas dan efektif serta menghemat waktu.
The points covered in each part of consecutive organization may follow the same order (A Hal-hal yang tercakup dalam setiap bagian dari organisasi berturut-turut dapat mengikuti urutan yang sama (A 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 + B 1, 2, 3 ) or they may follow an inverted order as in the model paragraph above (A 1, 2, 3 +B 3, 2, 1 ): compact (gas mileage, handling, passenger space); transition; station wagon (passenger space, handling, gas mileage). + B 1, 2, 3) atau mereka bisa mengikuti perintah terbalik seperti dalam model ayat di atas (A 1, 2, 3 + B 3, 2, 1): kompak (jarak tempuh, penanganan, ruang penumpang); transisi; stasiun kereta (ruang penumpang, penanganan, gas mileage).
2. 2. The Simultaneous Method: Metode Simultan:
The other means of organizing a comparison, the simultaneous method, uses a point by point comparison and is, perhaps, more suited to a full length theme although an effective paragraph can be written in this manner. Cara lain untuk mengorganisasi perbandingan, metode simultan, menggunakan titik dengan titik perbandingan dan, mungkin, lebih cocok dengan tema panjang penuh walaupun paragraf yang efektif dapat ditulis dengan cara ini. A paragraph comparing the same two types of automobiles using the simultaneous method of organization might look something like this: Sebuah paragraf membandingkan dua jenis mobil yang sama dengan menggunakan metode simultan organisasi mungkin terlihat seperti ini:
When the average American family goes to buy a new car, it is faced with a difficult decision because of the variety of automobiles. Ketika rata-rata keluarga Amerika pergi untuk membeli mobil baru, dihadapkan dengan keputusan yang sulit karena berbagai mobil. After weeding out the impossibilities, most families have to choose between the SUV and the compact, both of which have good and bad features. Setelah menyiangi kemustahilan, kebanyakan keluarga harus memilih antara SUV dan kompak, keduanya memiliki fitur yang baik dan buruk. The compact gets excellent gas mileage, from thirty to forty miles per gallon. kompak ini mendapatkan jarak tempuh yang sangat baik, dari tiga puluh sampai empat puluh mil per galon. With the price of gasoline climbing toward $2.00 per gallon, this is no small consideration. Dengan harga bensin naik ke $ 2.00 per galon, ini bukan pertimbangan kecil. On the other hand, the SUV, because of its largeness, does not get such good mileage, and the owner can expect to make more frequent and more expensive stops at the pump. Di sisi lain, SUV, karena ukuran besar nya, tidak mendapatkan jarak tempuh yang baik tersebut, dan pemilik dapat mengharapkan untuk membuat lebih sering dan lebih mahal berhenti di pompa. Handling is another positive feature of the compact. Penanganan lain adalah fitur positif dari kompak. Its size almost guarantees excellent maneuverability and the ability to squeeze into those half spaces in the parking lot. Ukurannya hampir jaminan manuver yang sangat baik dan kemampuan untuk menyelip ke ruang yang setengah di tempat parkir. Since at least one compact car would fit into an SUV, it is easy to see that handling this larger vehicle is going to be somewhat awkward. Sejak setidaknya satu mobil kompak akan muat ke dalam sebuah SUV, mudah untuk melihat bahwa penanganan kendaraan yang lebih besar akan menjadi agak canggung. For the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation, a compact car is not ideal. Untuk keluarga besar, kolam renang mobil, atau liburan panjang, sebuah mobil kompak tidak ideal. The SUV, conversely, would be excellent for these types of families and activities. SUV, sebaliknya, akan menjadi sangat baik untuk tipe keluarga dan kegiatan. It has plenty of room to seat six adults with space left over for luggage, the family dogs and cats, or other people. Ia memiliki banyak ruang untuk duduk enam orang dewasa dengan ruang tersisa untuk bagasi, anjing dan kucing keluarga, atau orang lain. The family buying a new car should certainly consider these two kinds of automobiles carefully and weigh the characteristics of each. Keluarga membeli mobil baru tentu harus mempertimbangkan kedua jenis mobil dengan hati-hati dan mempertimbangkan karakteristik masing-masing.
Notice that each point of comparison appears with each component being compared simultaneously: gas mileage, compact/SUV; handling, compact/SUV; passenger space, compact/SUV. A diagram of this kind of development looks like this: A/B 1 + A/B 2 + A/B 3. Perhatikan bahwa setiap titik perbandingan muncul dengan masing-masing komponen dibandingkan secara bersamaan: gas mileage, kompak / SUV; penanganan, kompak / SUV, ruang penumpang, kompak / SUV. Sebuah diagram semacam ini pembangunan terlihat seperti ini: A / B 1 + A B / 2 + B / 3.
A Hazard to Avoid: inadequate development Sebuah bahaya untuk Hindari: pembangunan yang tidak memadai
The writer needs to be sure that he has valid bases for comparison; however, detailed development is also very important. With these two detailed comparison paragraphs in mind, let's look at one, on the same topic, which would not be adequately developed Penulis harus memastikan bahwa dia memiliki basis berlaku untuk perbandingan, namun perkembangan rinci juga sangat penting dikembangkan. Dengan perbandingan terinci dua paragraf dalam pikiran, mari kita lihat satu, pada topik yang sama, akan yang tidak secara memadai
Families going to buy a new car face a tough decision. Keluarga akan membeli mobil baru menghadapi keputusan yang sulit. After the completely unsuitable cars have been weeded out, the choice will be between a compact car and an SUV. Setelah mobil benar-benar tidak cocok telah disiangi keluar, pilihan tersebut akan antara mobil kompak dan SUV. The compact is a nice car for a small family or as a second car. kompak adalah mobil bagus untuk keluarga kecil atau mobil kedua. It gets good gas mileage and would be excellent to let the teenager take out on a date so that he wouldn't use up too much of his money on fuel. Ia mendapat gas jarak tempuh yang baik dan akan menjadi sangat baik untuk membiarkan remaja mengambil berkencan sehingga ia tidak akan menggunakan terlalu banyak uang untuk bahan bakar. The SUV is quite large and would be a good car to take on a vacation because the entire family and all their gear could fit in easily. SUV cukup besar dan akan menjadi mobil yang baik untuk mengambil liburan karena seluruh keluarga dan semua peralatan mereka bisa cocok dengan mudah. One of these two cars would be a good choice for any family. Salah satu dari kedua mobil akan menjadi pilihan yang baik untuk keluarga.
This paragraph is not a comparison or contrast. Ayat ini bukanlah perbandingan atau kontras. In fact, it is not much of anything. Bahkan, tidak apa-apa. There is no organizational plan—short of having the discussion of compacts come before the discussion of SUV s. Tidak ada rencana organisasi-pendek memiliki pembahasan compacts datang sebelum diskusi tentang SUV s. There are no bases for a comparison (such as gas mileage, space, etc.). Tidak ada dasar untuk perbandingan (seperti gas mileage, ruang, dll). This paragraph is a collection of bits of information on two types of cars, but the bits have no relation to one another. Ayat ini adalah kumpulan bit informasi pada dua jenis mobil, namun bit tidak memiliki hubungan satu sama lain.
The Comparison/Contrast Essay Perbandingan / Contrast Essay
Writing a comparison essay, like writing a classification essay, involves a little more development than does the paragraph. Menulis sebuah esai perbandingan, seperti menulis esai klasifikasi, melibatkan lebih sedikit daripada pengembangan paragraf. To turn the consecutive sample comparison paragraph into an essay requires expanding the introductory sentences into a paragraph, expanding the discussion of compacts to a paragraph, expanding the discussion of SUV's to a paragraph, and expanding the concluding sentence to a paragraph. Untuk mengaktifkan sampel paragraf perbandingan berturut-turut menjadi esai memerlukan perluasan kalimat pengantar ke dalam paragraf, memperluas pembahasan compacts untuk paragraf, memperluas pembahasan SUV untuk sebuah paragraf, dan memperluas kalimat penutup untuk paragraf. In addition to these expansions, you also have to supply transition from one topic of your comparison to the other. Selain ekspansi ini, Anda juga harus menyediakan transisi dari satu topik perbandingan Anda yang lain. The result might look like this: Hasil akan terlihat seperti ini:
(A + B) (A + B)
(A) (A)
When the average American family goes to buy a new car, it is faced with a difficult decision because of the variety of automobiles. Ketika rata-rata keluarga Amerika pergi untuk membeli mobil baru, dihadapkan dengan keputusan yang sulit karena berbagai mobil. Not all, however, are suitable for the "average" family, with its middle income and 2.3 children. Tidak semua, bagaimanapun, adalah cocok untuk rata-rata "keluarga", dengan pendapatan menengah dan 2,3 anak-anak. The flashy sports car and the luxury limousine are not practical in this instance. Mobil sport mewah dan limusin mewah tidak praktis dalam hal ini. After weeding out the impossibilities, most families have to choose between the SUV and the compact, both of which have good and bad features. Setelah menyiangi kemustahilan, kebanyakan keluarga harus memilih antara SUV dan kompak, keduanya memiliki fitur yang baik dan buruk.
(B) (B)
The compact gets excellent gas mileage, (from thirty to forty miles per gallon), and with the price of gasoline climbing rapidly toward $2.00 per gallon, this is no small consideration. kompak ini mendapatkan jarak tempuh yang sangat baik, (dari tiga puluh sampai empat puluh mil per galon) dan dengan harga bensin naik cepat ke $ 2.00 per galon, ini bukan pertimbangan kecil. For this reason the compact would make an excellent second car to use on those around town errands without spending a fortune on gas. Untuk alasan ini kompak akan membuat mobil kedua yang sangat baik untuk digunakan pada orang-orang belanja di sekitar kota tanpa menghabiskan banyak uang pada gas. It would also make a good car for a teenager to take out on a date because he could spend his money on his girl rather than on gas. Hal ini juga akan membuat mobil yang baik bagi seorang remaja untuk berkencan karena ia bisa menghabiskan uang untuk pacarnya bukan pada gas. Handling is another positive factor. Penanganan merupakan faktor positif. The compact's size almost guarantees maneuverability in traffic and the ability to squeeze into those half spaces in the parking lot. Ukuran kompak yang hampir menjamin manuver dalam lalu lintas dan kemampuan untuk menyelip ke ruang yang setengah di tempat parkir. Any city driver can appreciate easy handling in rush hour traffic. Lack of interior space is somewhat of a drawback. Setiap driver kota dapat menghargai penanganan mudah dalam satu jam lalu lintas. Kurangnya ruang interior adalah sedikit dari kelemahan. For the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation this car is not ideal. Untuk keluarga besar, kolam renang mobil, atau liburan panjang mobil ini tidak ideal. Four adults can fit in a compact—if they are not too tall. Empat orang dewasa yang dapat disimpan dalam sebuah kompak-jika mereka tidak terlalu tinggi. As for luggage, well, the owner had better plan to travel light. Seperti untuk bagasi, baik, pemilik punya rencana yang lebih baik untuk perjalanan cahaya.
The SUV, on the other hand, would be excellent for the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation. It has plenty of room to seat six adults with room left over for luggage, the family dogs, or sundries. SUV, di sisi lain, akan menjadi sangat baik untuk keluarga besar, kolam renang mobil, atau liburan panjang. Ini memiliki banyak ruang untuk duduk enam orang dewasa dengan ruang kiri atas untuk bagasi, anjing keluarga, atau bermacam-macam barang. For the family that needs plenty of space in a car, the SUV would be ideal. Untuk keluarga yang membutuhkan banyak ruang dalam mobil, SUV akan ideal. Obviously this large size means handling is somewhat awkward. For scooting around town or finding a parking space at the ball game, this large car is a liability. Also owing to its size, the SUV does not get the gas mileage a compact does and the owner can expect to make more frequent trips to the pump. Jelas ini berarti penanganan ukuran besar agak canggung. Untuk bergeser sekitar kota atau menemukan tempat parkir di pertandingan bola, ini mobil besar merupakan sebuah kewajiban. Juga karena ukurannya, SUV tidak mendapatkan jarak tempuh yang tidak kompak dan pemilik dapat mengharapkan untuk membuat perjalanan lebih sering pompa. This factor would be a drawback in using this car as a second car for running around town in, and the poor teenager who has to take this car on a date had better find a girl satisfied with watching cars go through the Robowash and a burger afterwards. Faktor ini akan menjadi kekurangan dalam menggunakan mobil ini sebagai mobil kedua untuk berjalan di sekitar kota, dan remaja miskin yang telah mengambil mobil ini pada tanggal yang lebih baik mencari seorang gadis puas dengan menonton mobil melewati Robowash dan burger sesudahnya .
(A + B) (A + B)
Choosing between these two cars is a matter of what the family members want. Memilih antara dua mobil adalah masalah apa yang anggota keluarga inginkan. If they want good mileage and handling but don't need much interior space, then the compact is ideal. Jika mereka ingin jarak tempuh yang baik dan penanganan tetapi tidak memerlukan banyak ruang interior, maka kompak adalah ideal. If the family is more concerned with the amount of room inside the car than with the other two factors, then the SUV is the car for them. Jika keluarga itu lebih terkait dengan jumlah ruangan di dalam mobil daripada dengan dua faktor lainnya, maka SUV adalah mobil untuk mereka.
A comparison contrast essay can also be organized on a point by point basis, the simultaneous method. After the introductory paragraph, you would have a paragraph discussing the gas mileage of both cars (A/B { ), then a paragraph discussing the handling of both cars (A/B 2 ), and finally a paragraph discussing the passenger space in both cars (A/B 3 ). After that, of course, comes the concluding paragraph. Sebuah esai perbandingan kontras juga dapat diselenggarakan pada titik oleh basis point, metode simultan. Setelah paragraf pengantar, Anda akan memiliki ayat mendiskusikan gas mileage kedua mobil (A / B (), maka ayat membahas penanganan kedua mobil (A / B 2), dan akhirnya paragraf membahas ruang penumpang di kedua mobil (A / B 3). Setelah itu, tentu saja, datang paragraf penutup.
Sometimes, in organizing a comparison you may want to alter your theme structure by saving your most striking comparison or contrast until last so that your points are arranged in ascending order of importance or climatic order. In the sample theme on cars, the climactic order would be interior space, then handling, then mileage, as cost of operation is probably the main factor to the average family. Kadang-kadang, dalam mengatur perbandingan Anda mungkin ingin mengubah struktur tema Anda dengan menyimpan paling mencolok perbandingan atau kontras sampai terakhir sehingga poin Anda disusun dalam urutan kepentingan atau perintah iklim. Dalam tema sampel pada mobil, urutan klimaks akan menjadi ruang interior, maka penanganan, kemudian jarak tempuh, sebagai biaya operasi mungkin merupakan faktor utama keluarga rata-rata. This arrangement allows you to conclude your theme in the last body paragraph—with appropriate concluding comments—and forego a concluding paragraph altogether. Susunan ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpulkan tema Anda dalam ayat-terakhir tubuh dengan tepat menyimpulkan komentar-dan melepaskan sebuah paragraf penutup sama sekali.
Process analysis is a rhetorical pattern used to explain the chronological steps involved in how to do something or how something was done, and is probably an organizational pattern that you will use most frequently in your career writing situations, especially in technical occupations. Proses analisis adalah pola retorika digunakan untuk menjelaskan langkah-langkah kronologis terlibat dalam bagaimana melakukan sesuatu atau bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan, dan mungkin pola organisasi yang akan Anda gunakan paling sering dalam karir Anda menulis situasi, khususnya dalam pekerjaan teknis. Also, mastery of this rhetorical pattern is useful in filling out various forms and reports. Juga, penguasaan retorika Pola ini berguna dalam mengisi berbagai formulir dan laporan.
In writing a process analysis for an English course where you have some choice as to your topic, there is one theorem to remember: The value of the grade is frequently dependent on the quality of the topic. Dalam menulis sebuah analisis proses untuk kursus bahasa Inggris di mana Anda memiliki beberapa pilihan untuk topik Anda, ada satu teorema untuk mengingat: Nilai grade sering bergantung pada kualitas dari topik. This means that choosing your topic might be like choosing the dive you want to execute in an Olympic-style diving competition. Ini berarti bahwa memilih topik Anda mungkin seperti memilih menyelam Anda ingin mengeksekusi dengan gaya menyelam kompetisi-Olimpiade. Judges award points on how well the dives are performed, but each dive has a degree of difficulty. Therefore, a simple dive perfectly executed may receive fewer points than a difficult dive that is just less than perfect. Hakim penghargaan poin pada seberapa baik penyelaman dilakukan, tapi menyelam masing-masing memiliki tingkat kesulitan,. Oleh karena itu menyelam sederhana dieksekusi sempurna mungkin menerima poin kurang dari menyelam sulit yang kurang sempurna saja. The same principle applies to writing a process analysis. Prinsip yang sama berlaku untuk menulis analisis proses. A simple topic perfunctorily treated equals mediocrity. Topik diperlakukan setara sederhana rutinitas biasa-biasa saja.
There are two types of process analysis: the directional and the informational. The first tells how to do something, and the second tells how something came or comes about. Ada dua jenis analisis proses: arahan dan informasi. Yang pertama memberitahu bagaimana melakukan sesuatu, dan yang kedua menceritakan bagaimana sesuatu yang datang atau datang tentang. The informational process is generally more sophisticated and requires more thought to execute. Proses informasi umumnya lebih canggih dan membutuhkan lebih banyak berpikir untuk mengeksekusi. Let's look at three topics that demonstrate the preceding comments. These are arranged in ascending order of difficulty: "How to Mend an 8-Track Tape," "How to Budget a Paycheck," and "How Religious Cults Evolve." Mari kita lihat tiga topik yang menunjukkan komentar sebelumnya:. Ini disusun dalam urutan kesulitan "Bagaimana untuk memperbaiki sebuah-Track Tape 8," "Bagaimana Anggaran Paycheck," dan "Bagaimana Sekte Agama Berkembang." The first two are directional; the third is informational. Dua pertama adalah arah, yang ketiga adalah informasi. All three require some knowledge or expertise: The first requires some skill and knowledge and would be useful if someone in the reading audience had a number of frazzled tapes; the second is certainly useful to anyone short of Nelson Rockefeller; the third, however, demands the writer have some definite facts at his command. Ketiga membutuhkan beberapa pengetahuan atau keahlian: Yang pertama membutuhkan beberapa keterampilan dan pengetahuan dan akan berguna jika seseorang di antara penonton membaca memiliki sejumlah kaset lelah, yang kedua ini tentunya berguna bagi siapapun pendek Nelson Rockefeller, yang ketiga, bagaimanapun, tuntutan penulis memiliki beberapa fakta yang pasti pada perintah-Nya. (Obviously, if you are the writer and know nothing about budgeting, have no notion what a religious cult is, but are somewhat of an authority on 8-track tape repair, your choice is already made.) In any case you want to impress your reader not only with your ability to put words, phrases, and sentences together without error but also with your store of knowledge on the subject you have chosen. (Tentu saja, jika Anda penulis dan tahu apa-apa tentang penganggaran, tidak memiliki gagasan apa kultus agama, tetapi sedikit dari sebuah otoritas lagu rekaman perbaikan-8, pilihan Anda sudah dibuat kasus.) Setiap Dalam Anda ingin mengesankan pembaca Anda tidak hanya dengan kemampuan Anda untuk menaruh kata-kata, frasa, dan kalimat bersama-sama tanpa kesalahan tetapi juga dengan toko Anda pengetahuan tentang topik yang Anda pilih.
The Process Paragraph Proses Ayat
7. 7. The Directional Process: Proses Directional:
To write a directional process analysis paragraph, all you have to do is isolate the chronological steps. Untuk menulis sebuah paragraf proses analisis arah, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mengisolasi langkah kronologis. This statement is somewhat misleading in that the steps may not always be easily identifiable, and in this kind of process theme, sometimes you must arbitrarily impose a framework around the steps. Pernyataan ini agak menyesatkan dalam langkah-langkah tidak selalu mudah diidentifikasi, dan dalam jenis tema proses, kadang-kadang Anda sewenang-wenang harus memaksakan kerangka sekitar tangga. For example, in a directional process theme on how to change a tire, you would not want to allot a paragraph to each step because your theme would be a series of one or two sentence paragraphs. Misalnya, dalam proses tema directional tentang cara mengganti ban, Anda tidak ingin membagikan ayat untuk setiap langkah karena tema Anda akan menjadi rangkaian satu atau dua paragraf kalimat. To avoid this rhetorical disaster, you must impose an artificial framework around your process. Untuk menghindari hal ini bencana retorika, Anda harus memberlakukan kerangka buatan sekitar proses Anda. You might devote a paragraph to all the steps you take before jacking up the car, a paragraph to the steps performed while the car is jacked up, and a paragraph to the steps followed after letting the car down. Anda mungkin menulis suatu paragraf untuk semua langkah yang Anda ambil sebelum mendongkrak mobil, paragraf langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk sementara mobil mendongkrak, dan sebuah paragraf dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah setelah membiarkan mobil ke bawah. Superimposing this order on your process takes only a little extra time before you begin writing and is very worthwhile. Superimposing pesanan ini pada proses Anda hanya membutuhkan sedikit waktu ekstra sebelum Anda mulai menulis dan sangat berharga.
Let's look at an example of a directional process paragraph. Mari kita lihat contoh paragraf proses terarah. A diagram of this process would look like this: Process = Step { + Step 2 + Step^. Sebuah diagram dari proses ini akan terlihat seperti ini: Proses Langkah = (+ Langkah + Langkah ^ 2. . . . . . .
Repairing an 8-track tape does not require a great deal of ability and is a necessary skill for anyone who owns these tapes. Perbaikan sebuah rekaman 8-track tidak memerlukan banyak kemampuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan bagi siapa saja yang memiliki kaset ini. If a tape breaks, it can easily be spliced by overlapping the two ends produced by the break. Jika istirahat tape, maka dapat dengan mudah disusun menjadi tumpang tindih dalam kedua ujung yang dihasilkan oleh istirahat. When they are overlapped, the tape sides should match, glossy side with glossy side. Next, one should make a diagonal cut across the overlapped ends. Ketika mereka saling tumpang tindih, tape sisi harus cocok, sisi dengan sisi mengkilap glossy. Berikutnya, kita harus membuat potongan diagonal di ujung tumpang tindih. And last, the two diagonally cut edges are placed carefully together and taped with splicing tape. Dan terakhir, dua potong tepi diagonal ditempatkan dengan hati-hati bersama-sama dan direkam dengan tape splicing. Anyone who owns an 8-track tape should master this process unless he has enough money to buy a new tape every time one breaks. Siapapun yang memiliki sebuah-lagu rekaman 8 harus menguasai proses ini kecuali ia memiliki cukup uang untuk membeli kaset baru setiap kali salah satu istirahat.
2. 2. The Informational Process: Proses Informational:
This type of process analysis paragraph will also require you to isolate some chronological steps. Sometimes, though, isolating these is quite difficult because you are looking at the result of the process and must exercise logic to work back through steps to get to square one. Jenis analisis ayat Proses juga akan meminta Anda untuk mengisolasi beberapa langkah kronologis,. Kadang-kadang meskipun, mengisolasi ini cukup sulit karena anda melihat hasil dari proses dan harus latihan logika untuk bekerja kembali melalui langkah-langkah untuk mendapatkan satu persegi. Logical thinking in arranging the steps of a directional process is necessary and readily apparent also—you cannot tape the edges of an 8-track tape back together until you have snipped them apart—but in an informational process, logic is even more important since there may be a good deal of subtlety involved in this type of analysis. berpikir logis dalam menyusun langkah-langkah dari proses directional diperlukan dan mudah terlihat juga-Anda tidak dapat rekaman tepi sebuah-lagu rekaman 8 kembali bersama-sama sampai Anda telah dipotong mereka terpisah-namun dalam proses informasi, logika bahkan lebih penting karena ada mungkin banyak nuansa yang terlibat dalam jenis analisis. The topic "How Religious Cults are Formed" may seem an unwieldy one, but with some reflection you can arrive at a plausible series of activities leading up to a cult. Let's look at a sample paragraph on this topic. Topik "Bagaimana Sekte Agama adalah Dibentuk" tampaknya merupakan satu berat, tetapi dengan beberapa refleksi Anda dapat tiba di masuk akal serangkaian kegiatan yang mengarah ke kultus. Mari kita lihat sebuah paragraf sampel pada topik ini. Again, the diagram would look like this: Process = Step ] + Step 2 + Step } . Sekali lagi, diagram akan terlihat seperti ini: Proses =] Langkah + Langkah 2 + Langkah). . . . . . .
Getting a massive religious cult following involves more than announcing the formation of a cult and letting the sheep flock to the door. Memperoleh kultus agama besar berikut ini melibatkan lebih dari mengumumkan pembentukan sekte sesat dan membiarkan kawanan domba ke pintu. The first step the proposed leader must take in getting his cult together is to identify his audience. Langkah pertama pemimpin harus diusulkan dalam mendapatkan pemujaannya bersama adalah untuk mengidentifikasi para pendengarnya. Since people's needs and ideals are so varied, he must avoid a broad appeal, which is apt to go unnoticed, and concentrate on a certain segment of the population, that is, specialize his appeal. Karena kebutuhan dan cita-cita orang sangat bervariasi, ia harus menghindari banding yang luas, yang cenderung tidak diketahui, dan berkonsentrasi pada segmen tertentu penduduk, yaitu mengkhususkan daya tariknya. Next, he must strip the faithful of their contacts with the rest of the world. Selanjutnya, ia harus strip setia kontak mereka dengan seluruh dunia. This step involves their turning money and belongings over to the cult or the cult leader himself and, frequently, renouncing friends and family outside the cult. Langkah ini berarti berpaling uang mereka dan barang-barang ke kultus atau pemimpin kultus dirinya dan, sering, ninggalkan teman dan keluarga di luar kultus. Last, most important and most difficult, the leader must cut his followers off from outside information sources so that he can control what they know and, therefore, how they think. Terakhir, yang paling penting dan paling sulit, pemimpin harus memotong pengikutnya off dari sumber-sumber informasi di luar sehingga ia dapat mengontrol apa yang mereka ketahui dan, oleh karena itu, bagaimana mereka berpikir. Anyone who can accomplish this process will be a full-fledged cult leader. Siapa pun yang dapat menyelesaikan proses ini akan menjadi pemimpin-kultus matang penuh.
Hazards to Avoid Bahaya untuk Hindari
The principal mistakes in this pattern of organization are getting steps out of place—carts before horses—and omitting steps necessary for your reader's clear understanding. Kesalahan utama dalam pola organisasi memperoleh langkah keluar dari tempat-kereta sebelum kuda-dan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk menghilangkan jelas itu pemahaman pembaca Anda. To avoid both, jot down the steps before you begin writing to be sure each is dependent on the preceding one. Untuk menghindari kedua, menuliskan langkah-langkah sebelum Anda mulai menulis untuk memastikan masing-masing tergantung pada satu sebelumnya. This plan will also help you to avoid the second mistake because you can make sure your steps are logically complete and your reader will not have to make any unwarranted "leaps" from point to point. Rencana ini juga akan membantu Anda untuk menghindari kesalahan kedua karena Anda dapat memastikan langkah-langkah logis lengkap Anda dan pembaca Anda tidak perlu melakukan lompatan yang tidak beralasan "" dari titik ke titik.
Another hazard to avoid is trying to make a process topic that is complete in one paragraph into a theme. bahaya lain untuk menghindari adalah mencoba untuk membuat topik proses yang lengkap dalam satu paragraf ke tema. The 8-track tape paragraph, for example, defies further development. Rekaman lagu ayat-8, misalnya, menentang pengembangan lebih lanjut. The only information you could add to expand it to theme length would not challenge your reader's intellect nor increase his knowledge nor reward his aesthetic sense. Satu-satunya informasi anda bisa menambahkan untuk memperluas ke panjang tema yang tidak akan menantang pembaca intelek Anda atau meningkatkan pengetahuan atau imbalan rasa estetiknya.
The Process Analysis Theme Proses Analisis Tema
Developing a process analysis theme from a process analysis paragraph involves the same procedure discussed earlier. Mengembangkan analisis tema proses dari sebuah paragraf proses analisis melibatkan prosedur yang sama dibahas sebelumnya. We will develop the paragraph on cults since the 8-track tape paragraph is already a completed process. Kami akan mengembangkan paragraf pada kultus sejak rekaman lagu ayat-8 sudah proses selesai. A theme on cults might look something like the following: Sebuah tema pada kultus mungkin terlihat seperti berikut:
(Slept + Step 2 (Tidur + 2 Langkah
(Step,) (Langkah,)
Step, . Langkah,.
(Step,) (Langkah,)
(Step,) (Langkah,)
(Step, + Step : + Step,) (Langkah, Langkah +: Langkah +,)
The incredible influence of cult leaders over their following came brutally to the public eye with the massive suicides in Guyana. Pengaruh yang luar biasa dari pemimpin kultus atas berikut mereka datang brutal di mata publik dengan bunuh diri besar-besaran di Guyana. To understand why those people killed themselves, one must understand how the cult leader won control of them. Untuk memahami mengapa orang-orang bunuh diri, seseorang harus mengerti bagaimana pemimpin kultus memenangkan kendali mereka. Getting a large cult following involves more than announcing the formation of a new cult and letting the sheep flock to the door. There are three definite steps in the process of getting and controlling a cult following. Memperoleh kultus besar berikut melibatkan lebih dari mengumumkan pembentukan sekte baru dan membiarkan kawanan domba ke pintu. Ada tiga langkah yang pasti dalam proses mendapatkan dan mengendalikan pengikut kultus.
First, the proposed leader must identify his audience. Since peo ple's needs and ideals are so varied, he must avoid broad appeal, which is apt to go unnoticed, and concentrate on a special group, that is, tailor his package for a specific market. Pertama, pemimpin yang diusulkan harus mengidentifikasi penontonnya. Sejak ple kebutuhan PEO dan cita-cita sangat bervariasi, ia harus menghindari banding yang luas, yang cenderung tidak diketahui, dan berkonsentrasi pada kelompok khusus, yaitu, penjahit paket nya untuk pasar tertentu . Usually the best market is the downtrodden, poor, or disaffected. Biasanya pasar terbaik adalah tertindas, miskin, atau tidak puas. These people have been given nothing by society—by the land of milk and honey—or what they have gotten from society has been unsatisfactory. Orang-orang ini telah diberi apa-apa oleh masyarakat-dengan tanah susu dan madu-atau apa yang mereka dapatkan dari masyarakat telah memuaskan. The poor and minority groups have none of the "good things" of American life. Kelompok minoritas dan miskin tidak ada "hal baik" dari kehidupan di Amerika. Some middle and upper income people have all the material comforts society says are necessary for survival, but they feel emotionally or spiritually desolate. Beberapa atas penghasilan orang dan menengah memiliki semua kenyamanan masyarakat materi mengatakan diperlukan untuk kelangsungan hidup, tetapi mereka merasa secara emosional dan spiritual sepi. These groups are the audience the proposed leader must reach by promising them the material security or emotional comfort they are not getting from the outside world. Kelompok-kelompok ini adalah penonton pemimpin yang diusulkan harus dicapai dengan menjanjikan mereka keamanan bahan atau kenyamanan emosional mereka tidak mendapatkan dari dunia luar.
Next, the leader must strip his followers of their contacts with the rest of the world. This step involves the members' turning over their money and belongings to the cult or the leader himself, and frequently they must also renounce family and friends on the outside. Selanjutnya, pemimpin harus strip pengikutnya kontak mereka dengan seluruh dunia. Langkah ini melibatkan anggota 'membalik-balik uang mereka dan barang-barang untuk kultus atau pemimpin sendiri, dan seringkali mereka juga harus meninggalkan keluarga dan teman-teman di luar . Such allegiance is necessary to prevent any backsliding or slipping back into society. kesetiaan tersebut diperlukan untuk mencegah kemerosotan atau tergelincir kembali ke masyarakat. As well, putting all the money in one person's hands allows him to hand out the same share to everyone. Selain itu, menempatkan semua uang di tangan seseorang yang memungkinkan dia untuk menyerahkan saham yang sama untuk semua orang. In the cult society, except for the leader, there are no rich or poor; society's outcasts have as much as everyone else around them and the affluent are rewarded spiritually seeing their money benefit the cause. Dalam masyarakat kultus, kecuali pemimpin, tidak ada kaya atau miskin;'s orang buangan masyarakat memiliki banyak seperti orang lain di sekitar mereka dan makmur spiritual dihargai uang mereka melihat manfaat penyebabnya.
Last, more important and most difficult, the leader must cut his followers off from outside information sources so that he can control what they know and, therefore, what they think. Any news medium or its representative is a threat because it can at any time torpedo the ideals of the cult and expose the leader as a charlatan. Terakhir, yang lebih penting dan paling sulit, pemimpin harus memotong pengikutnya off dari sumber-sumber informasi di luar sehingga ia dapat mengontrol apa yang mereka ketahui dan, oleh karena itu, apa yang mereka pikirkan. Setiap berita atau perwakilan media adalah ancaman karena dapat setiap saat torpedo cita-cita dan mengekspos kultus pemimpin sebagai seorang penipu. Reverend Jones had the best solution in going to a relatively remote uncivilized country because this escape is very difficult in America. Pendeta Jones solusi terbaik untuk pergi ke negara tidak beradab yang relatif terpencil karena melarikan diri ini sangat sulit di Amerika. Isolation from the media allows the leader to paint society in general as the "enemy." Since his members are already dissatisfied with the world, it is quite easy for them to accept the distortions their leader presents. This step is the culmination of the process and can succeed only if the previous two steps have been executed skillfully. Not every cult leader has the success of a Jim Jones, but if all would follow this process, their notoriety would be insured. Isolasi dari media memungkinkan pemimpin untuk cat masyarakat secara umum sebagai musuh "dunia." Nya Karena anggota sudah tidak puas dengan, sangat mudah bagi mereka untuk menerima hadiah distorsi pemimpin mereka. Langkah ini merupakan puncak dari proses dan dapat berhasil hanya jika kedua langkah sebelumnya telah dilaksanakan dengan terampil diasuransikan. Tidak kultus setiap pemimpin memiliki sebuah keberhasilan Jim Jones, tapi kalau semua akan ini mengikuti proses mereka, akan ketenaran.
As with comparison/contrast, the process analysis theme can be concluded without a concluding paragraph per se. Since the steps of a process analysis are chronological, the last thing you discuss is a final touch or a conclusion in itself. Seperti dengan perbandingan / kontras, tema proses analisis dapat disimpulkan tanpa sebuah paragraf penutup per se. Karena langkah-langkah dari proses analisa adalah kronologis, hal terakhir yang Anda diskusikan adalah sentuhan akhir atau kesimpulan itu sendiri. Notice that the cult theme has no concluding paragraph, but it is rounded off in the final body paragraph, implying a conclusion and not leaving the reader hanging. Tema Perhatikan bahwa kultus tidak memiliki ayat penutup, tetapi dibulatkan dalam paragraf badan akhir, menyiratkan kesimpulan dan tidak meninggalkan tergantung pembaca.

1 komentar:

  1. jika saya boleh kasih saran. Tampilannya mungkin dapat di perbaiki untuk menarik pembaca. dapat di tambahi gambar-gambar yang menarik. semoga bermanfaat :)
